A recent study has revealed that working adults in their thirties are on track to become the wealthiest generation. The research found that individuals aged 30 to 39 earn the highest salary, save more, and have the most disposable income compared to other age groups.

According to the study commissioned by Equity Release Supermarket and involving 2,000 adults, people in their thirties earn an average annual salary of £32,561. They also save £309 per month and have an average of £10,326 stored away in savings. Moreover, they have the highest disposable income of £382 per month and carry less debt compared to those in their fifties (£7,196 vs £8,315).

Mark Gregory, the founder and CEO of Equity Release Supermarket, highlighted the findings, stating that while those in their thirties display impressive financial discipline and savings habits, adults aged 40-49 lag behind with only £11,039 in savings. He further noted that many parents and grandparents would like to support their younger family members financially, but this may not be possible for those in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. Equity release could potentially offer a solution in such cases.

The study also revealed that financial competence seems to improve with age. Eight out of ten individuals aged 60 and over consider themselves good at handling money, compared to 69 percent of those in their twenties and 73 percent in their thirties. However, 59 percent of individuals in their twenties believe they are good at saving, compared to 61 percent of those aged 60 and over.

The study highlighted the spending habits of different age groups. People in their twenties are more likely to spend their money on clothes, streaming services, takeaways, and dining out. On the other hand, individuals aged 50 and over tend to spend on energy bills, petrol, groceries, and insurance.

Despite their positive financial attitudes, more than half (53 percent) of individuals aged 60 and over still worry about money. The main concerns include avoiding debt (41 percent) and the stress associated with financial matters (20 percent). Additionally, a quarter worry about their income and outgoings because they enjoy a comfortable lifestyle and don’t want it to change.

Mark Gregory emphasized the importance of exploring options like equity release to provide additional reassurance during retirement. He stated that equity release is not the only solution, but it should be considered with proper financial advice to help individuals fulfill their financial goals.

Breakdown of ‘wealth’ by decade:

Current cash savings:

  • 20s: £7,232.11
  • 30s: £10,326.33
  • 40s: £11,039.59
  • 50s: £16,704.68
  • 60+: £20,588.30


  • 20s: £23,920.13
  • 30s: £32,561.51
  • 40s: £32,175.52
  • 50s: £28,771.27
  • 60+: £25,771.91


  • 20s: £15,950.99
  • 30s: £7,196.98
  • 40s: £7,017.62
  • 50s: £8,315.31
  • 60+: £4,654.33

Disposable income per month:

  • 20s: £269.49
  • 30s: £382.85
  • 40s: £364.25
  • 50s: £362.64
  • 60+: £382.58

Money put away in savings each month:

  • 20s: £243.73
  • 30s: £309.36
  • 40s: £282.28
  • 50s: £259.60
  • 60+: £264.17

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