‘The AI Moment’ session at Web Summit Qatar offered a profound examination of AI’s ongoing influence across various sectors. Moderated by Julia Sieger of FRANCE 24, the panel included insights from Mohamed Al-Hardan of the Qatar Investment Authority and Sachin Dev Duggal of Builder.ai.

Drawing on his substantial experience with Builder.ai, Sachin Dev Duggal provided an overview of AI’s evolution, recalling pivotal developments such as the launch of Google’s BERT model ten years ago. He remarked that the year 2022 signified a notable shift, driven not only by technological advancements but also by significant improvements in design that enhanced user interaction with AI.

Following the Qatar Investment Authority’s involvement in Builder.ai’s Series D funding, Mohamed Al-Hardan spoke about the strategic reasons behind their investment. He highlighted Builder.ai’s efforts in streamlining the development process and its proactive engagement with AI, while also pointing out the necessity of comprehensive due diligence to ascertain AI’s efficacy. Al-Hardan praised the forward-thinking nature of AI startups in addressing the challenges associated with AI and their commitment to technological leadership.

The panel then explored the repercussions of AI on employment, with Duggal and Al-Hardan presenting perspectives that extend beyond the common narrative of job elimination. Sachin Duggal envisioned a future where individuals are recognised for their creative contributions, suggesting a redefinition of traditional employment concepts. Al-Hardan echoed this sentiment, emphasising the importance of adapting to the evolving AI landscape.

In discussing AI governance, the conversation highlighted the ethical and regulatory complexities surrounding AI’s growth. Al-Hardan expressed concerns about the risk of innovation being hindered by over-regulation, advocating for a collaborative approach between regulators and technologists to bridge the knowledge gap between these essential parties.

The session concluded with a collective acknowledgment of the need for educational reforms to prepare the younger generation for the AI-dominated future. Sachin Dev Duggal stressed the significance of integrating human-centric skills such as creativity and adaptability into educational curriculums, ensuring their applicability in various scenarios.

The insights shared by Sachin and Al-Hardan delved into the human, ethical, and responsibility aspects in the era of AI, underscoring the vital need for a focus on human-centric innovation in AI development.

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