Energy experts have revealed that Brits are collectively spending hundreds of millions of pounds by leaving appliances switched on overnight.

According to a report by energy supplier Utilita, the average British home has 10 unused items plugged in and switched on at any given time. Surprisingly, three in 10 households have electrical gadgets on standby despite not using them for over a year.

Leaving a TV on standby alone can waste up to £16 of electricity over a year. When considering all homes in the UK, those with at least one TV waste a staggering £432 million on unnecessary energy annually by leaving the set on standby.

Utilita’s energy intelligence report also highlights the cost of leaving other household items on standby. For example, leaving a kettle switched on at the wall adds £4.87 to an end-of-year energy bill, and even a microwave uses £1.62 worth of energy before it’s even used to heat something up.

Households with printers waste approximately £6.50 in electricity each year, even if the printer is never used. Similarly, mobile phone chargers left plugged in but not charging still consume 32p of energy annually, which can quickly accumulate for households with multiple phones.

Despite these findings, one in five people are unaware that electrical items still consume energy when plugged in but not in use. Moreover, 31 percent of Brits put their phones on charge overnight, even if the battery is already at 50 percent or more, resulting in seven hours of unnecessary energy usage every night.

Although reducing energy usage to save money is a priority for 54 percent of Brits, compared to 25 percent who prioritize environmental concerns, Utilita encourages everyone to be more energy-conscious. Increasing energy intelligence by providing households with data on their energy usage and behaviors can help reduce unnecessary consumption.

Utilita’s spokesman added: “Whatever our reasons for using less energy, it’s essential that we all do. If helping to conserve dwindling resources is a by-product of saving a bit of money, then that’s a win-win for us all and for future generations.”

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